We offer two methods of purchasing beef in bulk quantities:

Our Standard Cut Beef Products are simple, convenient and save you money. Pay a set price for a set amount of beef.

Our Custom Cut Beef options allow you the most customization while saving money. Place a deposit to reserve yours now.

Scroll Down for more info about Custom Beef Options

Matt and Noah with a whole custom cut beef headed to a customer's house.

There are several benefits to ordering a  custom half or a whole beef which include:

  1. Save money compared to purchasing at the open rate.
  2. Have your beef cut to your specifications.
  3. Reduce energy consumption by combining multiple deliveries into one delivery.


  • Half: $6.60 per pound based on the hanging weight.
  • Whole: $6.30 per pound based on the hanging weight.
  • These prices can change at anytime. Even if you have put a deposit down then you will still have to pay the new price if it changes. This helps us cover our
Another whole beef about to make a customer very happy!


  • These prices include standard processing costs.We reserve the right to pass along additional processing fees if your cutting instructions deviate from the Processor's standard cuts.
  • The hanging weight is the weight of the carcass as it hangs in the cooler at the processor.  The weight of the actual packaged cuts will be approximately half of the hanging weight due to moisture loss during aging and bone loss during processing.  This article explains dressing percentages in greater detail.
  • Contact us if your're considering a half or whole beef.  We'll let you know the availability and how long it will be until we're ready to process.
  • Next, decide how you would like it to be cut up.  We will send you a cutting instructions form to fill out electronically and submit back to us.
  • We require a $100 deposit for a half and a $200 deposit for a whole.  This deposit reserves your spot on our waiting list and allows us to better plan our harvest schedule.  It is non-refundable and will be subtracted from your final total.
  • You may mail a check for your deposit to:
    Watson Farms
    713 Colony Road
    Chester, SC 29706.
  • Watson Farms will accept only one payment for a deposit.  If you are splitting this cost please have those you are splitting it with pay the primary customer.  Then the primary customer should pay Watson Farms the full amount of the deposit.
  • Once your beef has aged 2-3 weeks the butcher will cut it up, and we will arrange delivery.
  • It is possible that at times we may have to postpone processing times due to poor weather and other things out of our control that affect the growth of our animals.  All processing dates are tentative until they have occurred.  We only butcher animals that have reached their fullest potential and sometimes it takes an animal longer than predicted to do that.
  • What to Expect

    • Hanging weights range from 500 to 750 pounds.  Most are 600-675 pounds.
    • You can expect to receive 50-63% of the hanging weight in packaged, ready-to-cook beef.  For a 650-pound steer, this translates to somewhere between 325 to about 400 pounds of packaged beef.  See the examples below for more information on this.
    • Buying a whole beef can save as much as $200 compared to purchasing the same amount at our retail prices.
    • Orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • If you are splitting your beef with others, we can divide it into equal portions with an extras box left for you to split. It is an additional $25.00 fee for a half or a $50.00 fee for a whole beef. This helps us cover our time to split it for you. We can also split it into the different cuts so you have all like cuts together. The fees are the same. You will need to let us know if you want this when you give your cutting instructions.
    • Watson Farms will only accept one set of cutting instructions per order.
    • Watson Farms will only accept one payment per invoice.  If you are splitting this cost please have those you are splitting it with pay the primary customer.  Then the primary customer should pay Watson Farms the full amount of the invoice.


    • Bulk orders can be picked up at the farm for no charge or delivered on any of our Home Delivery Routes.
    • They are not eligible for FedEx shipping.
    • The standard delivery fee is $12.95.
    • It is sometimes possible for us to make custom deliveries on large orders which are negotiated on a per-customer basis. Contact us for more information on customer deliveries.


    Here is a link to a spreadsheet showing the cuts we received from some other beeves that we had processed.